It goes without saying, but obviously, the only way to get the perfect selfie is to be wearing a Sweetselfiespot t-shirt . However, we thought it was only fair to give you a few more handy tips too.

Safety in numbers...
Take a tone of selfies from lots of angles, Try tilting your head in different directions and changing the angles up slightly between each shot so there's a wide variety to choose from. And don't forget to make sure the camera's focused before snapping away. Kylie Jenner reckons she takes 'like 500' selfies before she gets the perfect shot! Long!
Lighting, lighting, lighting - go shine like the star you are!
We know it sounds pretty obvious, but lighting is key. Lights, camera selfie. You need great lighting for a great shot and believe it or not Natural lighting is often king. You know what that means, get outside and enjoy the sunshine. vlogger Jordan Liberty puts it, "Light is undoubtedly the best beauty product you don't have to pay for." This leads me perfectly on to my next point...
Consider your background
The whole idea behind sweetselfiespot is to make the world your canvas. Go out and enjoy the world while taking pictures in all the best locations. The Seven Wonders of the world... or even the mandatory breakfast and pint selfie at 6am in the airport Weatherspoons, the possibilities are endless. Keep an eye out for photobombers, it's hard to look your best with makeshift bunny ears! Ha
When your out and about wearing your sweetslefiespot t-shirt, be mindful of shadows! "When in doubt, face directly into or away from the sun. If it's the middle of the day and the sun is high, the shadows can look like bags under your eyes. The golden hour to shoot a photo is during sunrise or sunset, when the light is low and the most beautiful." - Candice Lake. Style blogger. If you're inside and there is little to no natural light, know when to use the flash. Taking a selfie in a dark club is pointless, how will anyone see your sweetslefiespot t'shirt, you need to add some light into the mix. Use a flash in dark situations and also use a flash to get rid of shadows from your photo. By adding in the extra light source you can minimise shadows. Always place the flash opposite the light source causing the shadows to achieve this. When taking a selfie always try and get the flash as far away as your arms will allow and play with the angles so you don't look like a ghost on the gram - chin down, camera up is always a winner.
Use the correct apps and filters but don't over-edit.
Let's be real, EVERYONE edits their photos. There is no shame in it. Judy from your middle school needs to see you are on point 20 years on. Phones now such as the iPhone and Samsung have even have apps that do your selfie photo editing for you! Winner! If you want to take your editing one step further you could even now download Adobe Lightroom and Adobe Photoshop. Blogger Amanda Steele likes the filters... "don't like your under-eye bags? Blur them away! Want to whiten your teeth? Go for it. Lastly, a round of applause to Instagram AR creators because we know have loads of super new filters and effects that can give your Instagram selfies, photos and videos an upgraded and edited look without looking over the top. What's on the Internet is there for all to see and will be forevermore.